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This post is more than 5 years old


February 7th, 2017 07:00

How to shutdown/restart server running ECS single/multi-node?

​Hi all,​

​I try to shutdown server running ECS single following this guide:​​How to safely shutdown ECS one node?​​ ​

​1, ​​docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)​

​2, service docker stop​

​3, shutdown -h​

​and when I start OS, I try to run command following this guide: ​​How to properly reboot ECS Single Node​

​" --Enable Docker to run at startup​

​systemctl enable docker.service​

​-- Start Docker Service​

​systemctl start docker.service​

​To start the ECS Single Node container after a restart (docker needs to be running already) you can run the following​

​-- Start SingleNode ECS Container ---​

​docker run -d -e SS_GENCONFIG=1 -v /ecs:/disks -v /host:/host -v /var/log/vipr/emcvipr-object:/opt/storageos/logs -v /data:/data:rw --net=host emccorp/ecs-software:latest --name=ecsstandalone


​I check on server:​

​[root@ecs-01 ~]# systemctl status docker​

​â docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine​

​ Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)​

Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-02-07 11:30:37 ICT; 9min ago​

​ Docs: ​​​

​ Main PID: 1247 (dockerd-current)​

​ CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service​

​ ââ1247 /usr/bin/dockerd-current --add-runtime docker-runc=/usr/lib...​

​ ââ2077 /usr/bin/docker-containerd-current -l unix:///var/run/docke...​

​Feb 07 11:30:36 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:36.4878..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:36 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:36.5288..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.0526..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.1349..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.2830..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.4337..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.4338..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.4338...5​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 dockerd-current[1247]: time="2017-02-07T11:30:37.4498..."​

​Feb 07 11:30:37 ecs-01 systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.​

​Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.​


​[root@ecs-01 ~]# docker ps​


​aea9a6319c26 emccorp/ecs-software-3.0.0:latest "/opt/vipr/boot/boot." 4 days ago Up 4 seconds ecsstandalone​

​But I cannot access to Web GUI. Please help me solve it. and guide me shutdown/restart server running ECS ​​single/multi-node​​.​

​Thanks & regards,​

281 Posts

February 7th, 2017 13:00


Using "docker run" on reboot is not correct since that will initialize a new container.  You'll want to simply start the existing container.

We have some systemd scripts included in the install package that can stop/start the container:

Note that with a small footprint like 100GB, it's not advisable to stop and start ECS multiple times.  When ECS is shut down, each open writer must "seal" its open chunk, causing up to 128MB of leak per writer (>300) until GC can compact the segments.  If you stop and start ECS frequently in a small footprint, it will run out of space quickly and stop working.

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May 30th, 2019 05:00

Link is not working, please update 

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